Welcome to arrowhead-client’s documentation!

This is the documentation for the arrowhead_client Python library, which enables you to use Python to design and test Eclipse-Arrowhead compliant clients with little overhead and trouble.


This library is still in alpha and no APIs are considered stable. Each new update might produce breaking changes, though the current public API of the ArrowheadClient has been stable for some time (with some naming changes) and no changes to it are planned. All other APIs are provisional and will likely change more than once before version 1.0 of the library.

Click The Eclipse-Arrowhead Framework to learn more about the framework, it’s components, and the philosophy behind it, with some useful links to other resources.

Click Arrowhead Client library quickstart if you just want to get started testing the client library.

Click The Arrowhead Client User Guide to learn how to use the framework, with a focus on how things are used.

Click API Reference for a detailed view of all modules, classes and functions available in this library.

Indices and tables